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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters letter54 - To Talhah and az-Zubayr (through Imran ibn al-Hussain al-Khuza’i1). Aba Ja`far al-Iskafi has mentioned this in his “Kitab al-Maqamat on the excellent qualities (manaqib) of Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, Peace be Upon Him.”

letter54 - To Talhah and az-Zubayr (through Imran ibn al-Hussain al-Khuza’i1). Aba Ja`far al-Iskafi has mentioned this in his “Kitab al-Maqamat on the excellent qualities (manaqib) of Imam Ali ibn Aba Talib, Peace be Upon Him.”

You both know, though you conceal it, that I did not approach the people before they approached me, and I did not ask them to swear the oath of allegiance to me till they themselves swore the oath of allegiance to me. You both were among those who approached me and swore the oath of allegiance to me. Certainly the common people did not swear the oath of allegiance under any force or for any money given to them. If you two swore allegiance to me obediently, come back and offer repentance to Allah soon. But if you swore allegiance to me reluctantly, you have certainly given me cause for action by showing your obedience and concealing your disobedience By my life, you were not more entitled than other Muhajiran to conceal and hide the matter. Your refusal to swear the oath of allegiance before actually doing so would have been easier than getting out of it after having already accepted it.
You have indicated that I killed `Othman; then let someone from among the people of Medina who supported neither me nor you decide the matter between me and yourself. One of us shall face(the command of law) according to (one’s) involvement. You should give up your way now, when the great question before you is only one of shame, before you face the question of shame coupled with the fire of Hell, and that is the end of the matter.

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